A week of solitude, yet the instinct of the world being along with me. The reason, I was in Scotland of India, and more than that with my friends Ponchas. Coorg, which is how everyone call the Kodugu region of Karnataka, It is famed for so many things. The history and mystery , the flora and fauna, the game fishing and river rafting , together an overwhelming joy.
The place I stayed is "Sidapur' one hour travel from "Mercara" the districts capital. The town is relatively small with salubrious weather, surplus peace and happiness.The name is derived from the people of Kodagu, Kodavas. The Puranic versions says the land of initial settlement was called Krodadesa which later became Kodavu. and the word Kodagu is derived from the word Kodava, Kod means ‘give’ and avva means ‘mother’, i.e mother Kaveri, the river Kaveri(the reason for my etymology)
Starting with the river, the first day was in its bank with great fishing rod and beautiful lures . The moments on the bank was really Magical except we couldn't lure any fish to out bait, even if we have baited some , I'm sure the fish would have ended back in their world, for the reason all are Herbivorous in Ponchas place.
To be precise all in ponchas place follow the principle of Lacto Vegetarianism.(except we Five) we classify us as pure meat eaters. Only we couldn't get a chance to devour any meat. Ponchas mother in law is indeed a great cook and the kitchen is awesome with all family members mis en place in it.
The five day food was a real feast, with endless varieties, The Akki Roti(rice bread)which was chewy and hard , married well with the delicious chik peas masala, I wouldn't call it the secret ingredients .Its pure Hand of taste and their affection towards cooking and their exemplary hospitality.
The Vegetable bath with cucumber raitha, the countless chandrakala in our belly while traveling, the steamed kolukatta , I would be punished if i forget to mention any one of the recipe. so here comes one, which is Quite simple and truly yummy, The shallo fried brinjals, Aubergines or eggplant, where it is thinly sliced and marinated with limejuice, coriander powder , garam masala, chilli and pinch of salt, (a dash of coorg vinegar and a teaspoon of coorg masal will also goes well). after marination its shallow fried, and the feel is tender and none will not stop with just one. It gave a secret why poncha love it. Because a real substitute for meat.. and my sincere thanks to Mrs poncha.
On my journey back home .I thought of ponchas Mother in laws promise of meat cooking next time, and I am sure it will happen only when I go alone to coorg. Its sometimes difficult with vegetarians around you and I started planning my next visit to "The Scotland of India".