In the year 1894 a man from France with the name Paul verlaine was elected as "Prince of Poets" by his peers,a great French poet, with a sad end. His last years were of slum, alcoholism and poverty,and spent most of his days drinking Absinthe,
The Absinthe drinker is considered one of the greatest representatives of the fin de siècle in international and French poetry. the expression fin de siècle usually refers to the end of the 19th century, in Europe...Might be Alcohol for all the up's and down's ,but not certainly ABSINTHE. oh Absinthe How unfortunate to get the blame of all times
The humble Absinthe getting the blame at all times, it happened nine years after Verlaine death, again a man carrying the name Jean lanfray, not a poet though, consumed seven glasses of wine, forgetting its brand name he added Six glasses of Cognac to it, with belly full of Thirteen glasses, he added One glass of coffee glazed with brandy and Two crème de menthes which summed up Sixteen glass. With much hunger he ate One sandwich , after gulping in two glass of Absinthe.This mad man with Sixteen glass plus Two glass of Absinthe, Shot his pregnant wife and his two kids for an argument with his wife,and Six months later he was convicted and received thirty years imprisonment ,
And then It was argued by his attorneys that the two ounces of absinthe he consumed prior to the murders were solely to blame for his actions , Dr. Albert Mahaim, a leading Swiss psychologist, testified that Lanfray suffered from "a classic case of absinthe madness", the result was more of a moral panic against absinthe in Switzerland and other countries. A petition to ban absinthe in Switzerland received 82,000 signatures, and on May 15, 1906, the Vaud legislature voted to ban absinthe , again an unfortunate thing.

And then in eighteen ninety nine , in the month and date of October 29th, he got out of bed and had dinner in his room before going to a café with Robert Ross, one-time lover and devoted supporter. They drank absinthe. Warned that it was poison to him, he replied, "And what have I to live for?" Thtas what he said and that "HE" was OSCAR WILDE
Is that what Absinthe make/bring out of you, uttering "what have I to live for? with a Question in the end? and the untold answers were this , This King of spirits "Absinthe" made the best out of Vincent Van gogh , the great painter who made more than twenty one hundred art works, He was an Alcohol lover, more precisely an Absinthe lover, forget how his life ended, but then the notable work of his is always awesome.
Every positive value has its price in negative terms... the genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.said Pablo Picasso, a great Spanish painter, sculptor, stage designer and an influential artist, who is noted for his painting the Absinthe drinker, On 23 June 2010, the painting was sold at auction for £34.7 million. Money may not be a thing to consider . But then, what here matter is the essence of Art and Absinthe.
I missed out, These great people, Ernest Hemingway, Charles Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Amedeo Modigliani, Aleister Crowley and Alfred Jarry were all known drinkers of absinthe. great and successful .
There is more to continue , The drink is like an open book , you cannot find an end, where is the end? So here without ending the Absinthe and To close this post , I leave it to you judge what is good and what is not good? to me nothing is bad and nothing is not bad, Its just Different.... If a chance comes on your way leave not, HAPPY ABSINTHE
photo:unusualhistoricals.blogspot.com, wikipedia.com