Yesterday my eyes were glued to my colleuges walking steps, the even pace, slow and steady, Oh! they enjoy walking.I couldnt remove my eyes from that scene.I wonder wheater is it the heavy lunch, or the hot summer....for that slow slow....slow walk.
The same quickness i have adopted for eating & cutting. Yes, I'm a quick eater, i remembered once having lunch with a school principal, a slow eater indeed. me being a quick eater, ate - five ,six, five , bhaturas to his two bhaturas , from that day i'm trying to eat slow.When it comes to cutting, i am verymuch happy with my speed. Accidents happens only when i experiment with my speed limit.
My first interview, after my graduation, the additional director asked me how fast can i cut a carrot? My answer - a little slower than chopping a bunch of spinach, sometimes questions may be more stupid than the answer.