Friday, February 12, 2010


Punishment, will it help?
This is the last term and I want the final years to use the maximum of culinary, but how many understand the real meaning of USE?. I am not calling it useless, may be I one of the reasons for it.Because all knows the students and the class is directly propotional to the teacher who handles it, and have you heard that there is no use crying over spilt milk?
Checking the students for grooming before the culinary session is just not a daily routine. It is in such a way that they really understand the purpose behind it. Is there anything wrong in a daily shave, proper kitchen kits, clean uniforms ? I do not find any, but why there is always a lack?

Too many questions, Punishments a good way for the solution, yes, punishments in diffrent form will help and this one went like this. I cook and everyone just observe(not eat) , its like a demonstration, rather than an usual practical culinay session. In the end its I who eat, and everyone??

The menu for the day was, Foccaccia, Cannelloni, Roast Chicken, three hours is more than enough for preaping all three dishes and to EAT. Starting with Foccaccia everything went well, in the end, a word of Promise from all students(to come in proper groomin) from next cooking session made me to share the bread.

At last my punishment had a purpose.Only I wish everyone comes perfect from the next culinary session, but somewhere around the corner of my mind a new form of punishment bliks.


dechen said...

Hi sir . hpe u r doin great down there.... ur articles are alys great....

sathish vasudevan said...

thanks dechen.. hearing from you after a long time.. words like this make me write more... thanks a ton

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Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....