Another day of good cooking, and its all Goan this time, the menu was Chicken cafreal with pav bun, and Prawn pulao for the main course and to end with a sweet dol dol. The briefing of the menu was not stretched, and some minor doubts kept lingering with the chefs and chefies.
The first step is with the flying ferment for the bun, and the dried yeast mixed well with the sugar, flour and water to end up as fluffy ferment, which later mixed well with dough for the bun. The fermentation took some thirty minutes , and later the second proof was for another twenty minutes ,and with two twenty degrees in a deck oven the pav bun came out well with great aroma and wonderful color.
As with pulao, few soaked the basmati and few forgot, those who forgot got a sticky pulao and those who soaked the basmati in water, ate happily the prawn pulao. The simple ground paste of the three G(Ginger, Garlic, Green Chillies) is soo good that it made the Cafreal a real feast.With a roasted brown and marinated green color , Galinah Cafreal remains my all time Favorite.
Indeed the dessert was sweet, with rice flour cooked in coconut milk and sweetened with jaggery, the stirring continued till the mixture released the Ghee which it kept drinking all through t the stirring process. The mixture was later poured in a greased plate, and was cooled before the hungry mouths and greedy hands devoured it.
All together a happy cooking session , Without knowing to what the credit goes(to the students, menu, cooking method, )i sincerely pray that every cooking session should be as happy as this one.