Monday, July 13, 2009

Tiny little wontons

Almost twenty confidant eyes, nodded before I revealed the recipe foa a chinese menu. I was happy to start the cooking session after thirty long days. Everyone was happy with the menu, but the menu was not a balanced one, the color, cooking methods and the texture was almost same for all the five dishes. The briefing took sixty minutes and their confidant level grew higher and higher.Perhaps , their Six months Industrial exposure training which they finished a month ago must be the reason for their confidant level. I told them, its an experiment and never stick to the recipe, know the functions of the ingredients and apply accordingly.

Everyone took position on their respective tables, looking at their confidant level, i stopped monitoring them and started cooking tiny little wontons, the filing were mushrooms and the dip a spicy garlic sauce. I fried a few and steamed a few, everything went well with the spicy garlic sauce, after seventy minutes i went around to see what twenty chefs and chefies have prepared. Their confidance deceived me, their nodding was just a false impression, rather cooking everyone experimented with the dishes and damaged it as worse as possible.

Table number one fried the whole leg of chicken, rather deboning and cutting into dices for "Chicken in hot garlic sauce". I said to saute garlic with soy, tomato sauce and add stock and then to thicken it with cornflour paste, but table number three , thickened the stock itself with cornflour, the wierd scene went on and on with each and every table . The fried rice with diffrent color and diffrent texture and all possible shapes of wontons, all fried with and withour filling. I am suppose to taste all the dishes and comment on them, but i went back to my table only to eat the tiny little wontons which i prepared ( Sometimes food will lessen our stress /depression/sadness/guilt). I did not comment on any of the dishes nor i tasted any, because it was I who briefed the recipe of an unbalanced menu and I promised to do better next time.

1 comment:

Ajay said...

Sir in the Industrial exposure training there wont be much work will be given than cutting, chopping, picking the vegtables. so they know the recipe but they might not tried cooking there.