More than a couple of months , the tawa gifted to me was just idle in the kitchen, if only I lit the stove, the tawa gets seasoned. I enter the kitchen just to drink water, thats how things will happen when you are alone at home , filled with lonliness all times , carrying the boredrome with you all times, cooking becomes a big question??
When I have guest, things are quite diffrent, I cook, not for the sake of cooking, but happily. The unexpected visitor (my uncle), who came last week made me to use the tawa, and I cooked dosa.. simple plain dosa
Dosa a staple of South India, has a history of more than two thousand years, the fermented mixture of rice and urad dal batter , has its origin in Udupi, Karnataka says Patrick Lawrence Chapman, English food writer. The Sanskrit classic Manasollasa written in 1051 AD by Western Chalukya king Somesvara III describes Dosai. The first reference to Dosa occurs in the Tamil Sangam Literature, with so many thoeries prevailing, who ever or whatever the place of origin may be , Dosa is one popular and basic dish one could't avoid.
The fermentation process increases Vitamin B abd C, contains no sugar , saturated fatty acids , The CHO rich dosa is loved by many. How ever good the mixture is ,The best depnds on the hand which pours the batter and the Tawa which browns it, and in my case the tawa didn't deceive me. I could call it just perfect. Thanking the person who gifted me the Tawa, I'm going in for variations in dosa next time.
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