Monday, February 9, 2009


An unexpected break from the routine work, time to go home, my friend called me and we started early, it’s a three hour dive from Coimbatore, the car which we went needed a wash, a real wash. Ashok’s idea was to wash the car in Burliyar, man you should see the water it’s crystal clear and ice cold, but i want it cleaned before climbing the hill, because it’s a long time since we went home and when the car you drive looks clean, everything around you looks clean. Tough all the shops were closed we were able to find something to munch.
We washed the car near karamadai and the time was two and we two were starving literally, luck was always with us when it’s about food, its Kurbani Biryani Center, just before climbing and I want it to be packed not because the restaurant looked awful, because we want to have it on the way ‘in the shadow of the roadside tree’, were the mis en scene is GREEN full of monkeys. Peoples from Nilgiris love green than anyone, its all we have brought up with.
The car was parked safe, and we started our packed biryani, its Awesome, the real secret is the banana leaf, in which it’s packed, the mutton, the dum, the banana leaf, it’s a bouquet garni, want to repeat the word “awesome”. Here comes the accompaniment the beer, its just warm and that’s the real accompaniment , perhaps , we wont get a chance to drink warm beer, if a chance arise we go for a chilled one thus missing to savor the real taste of our warm beer, don’t forget “the more the chill, the less the flavor”. Enjoy the real flavor and know our brew, it accompanies all our food when it’s warm, TRY IT...
I couldn’t forget that lunch alfresco, and a great drive home, Sometimes best things happens accidentally, never plan for everything and live life to the fullest. ….................I forget to tell you something; the leftovers, the bones, the bottles were packed carefully and was dumped in a dustbin at burliyar. My evil twin brother, who saw us on his way up, drove us home.
A curve ahead a red board with black letters read “DON’T MIX DRINK AND DRIVE”. A green one with white letters read “KEEP THE CITY CLEAN AND GREEN”

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