Saturday, February 28, 2009

Unusual ..

Here are some unusual foods from around the world.. maybe its we who call these unusual, tough your stomach couldn’t distinguish between two meats or food , the Palate does. I want to quote a well known chinese saying "Chinese eat anything with four legs, except tables. And everything that flies, except airplanes,” when you geta a chance try out these unusuals, and what follows is a veryfew unusuals, more to come....

Hedgehogs delight the palates of “British gypsies” while the eyes of a roasted lamb’s head are considered to be delicacies offered to honored guests in Saudi Arabia. Lamb’s or calf’s brains are commonly sold by butchers, and sought after by many a housewife in practically all Middle eastern countries. Arabs and western Chinese have eaten extremely tough and sour-tasting camel humps, feat and meat for centuries. The hump is first marinated and then roasted. Feet are boiled with herbs and served with a vinaigrette dressing. Cock’s combs (crette de coq) are often used by French and Italian chefs to garnish various poultry dishes. Gourmets claim cock’s combs to be very tasty albeit chewy. In Central and South America iguana meat is sautéed, then casseroled, a dish considered to be a gastronomic delight.Australian aboriginals consider sugar ants and chopped marinated kangaroo tail ragout to be delicious. Koreans and Chinese breed dogs for food. Some beat dogs to death to obtain tender meat, others hang the animal to die in an agonizing way. Both methods are inhumane and North American animal rights associations are fighting to ban such practice.

Rooke pie, an old English pub specialty once famous is almost never served these daysFor centuries, both bear paw and steak have been highly prized in China, Russia and eastern European countries. Today it is almost impossible to buy bear meat commercially, but hunters still can find recipes in old eastern European cook books. Shark fins and birds’ nests, especially those from southern Java, Indonesia, are considered to be delicacies by Chinese, especially Hong Kong, gourmets. Both are available dried in Hong Kong, Singapore and North America, and used for flavorful soups. Fried grasshoppers are popular in Africa, and chocolate dipped ants in Japan. Fried caterpillars and silkworms are crunchy and ethereal in texture. Both are available in North American gourmet shops. Elephant meat is tough, but its trunk and feet are not. In Asia and Africa, locusts are said to taste like shrimps and traditionally eaten with ”wild” honey. In Indonesia, Malaysia and Hong Kong, occasionally specially bred small monkeys are eaten while the animal is still alive. This most inhumane and cruel habit seems to be disappearing, albeit slowly. Live snake meat is readily available in Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Sauteed snake meat and snake soup are said to ward off common colds, and generally healthy. Tibetans stew yak meat, which tends to be tough, as animals are slaughtered when very old. European gourmets like sea turtle soup. In the Caribbean and South America, turtle meat is stewed. Alligator meat (fresh or frozen) can be found in Florida, and Louisiana and on restaurant menus. Alligator meat, especially those “farm” raised, tastes like very tough chicken. Eskimos consider seal blubber and whale fat superbly tasty. Cod tongues and seal flipper pie are Newfoundland specialties, commonly consumed in restaurants. Horsemeat has a beef-like flavour, but finer texture. It is lean and requires stewing. Europeans (French, Italians, Swiss, Austrians, Germans and the Dutch) are fond of horsemeat. Canada exports horsemeat and live animals to France. Donkey meat is used mostly for sausages


Flowergirl said...

The list is really unusual. I felt yuck .. true we are animals that talk. I have learnt somewhere that there are three types of Gunas (roughly characters) Rajas, Thamas and Sadhvi and their characters are determined by what they eat...I think it should be true right..

sathish vasudevan said...

@ flower girl
Most feel yuck, but there are peoples, and their cultures, they live with it, its not trying someting new, its what has been consumed for years and years, once there were puddings made from elephant blood,and dishes from elephant foot, and YES - the caracter depends on the food they eat..
Thanks for the comment and keep blogging