Friday, February 27, 2009

Rishis Cerlac

It was a weekend and I’m in the kitchen getting ready for dinner, it’s a simple menu for we three, and my nine months old nephew (Rishi) the fourth person who will have all the cerlac for himself, but that’s not what he does, his eyes wander from plate to plate, tough rishi has four teeth he loves roti, you should see the reaction for the griddle cooked dough, its just awesome.
My sister started weaning rishi a couple of weeks ago, but for him its more than tasting new things, tough cerlac come is many different flavors Rishi's eyes seldom left our palates. All are almost like rishi, the thing is, we think we know all the tastes this world cuisine offers, perhaps we never get a chance to taste new foods, if at all a chance like that arise we stick on to the taste/dishes what we like (what we tasted before), thus missing an opportunity to try something new, there is no harm is tasting something new, as the Chinese proverb “preserve the old, but know the new” let your taste buds explore all the new different taste the culinary world offers.
Anything that walks, swims, crawls, or flies with its back to heaven is edible."(Cantonese saying)

1 comment:

zameer said...

In each single rice god written the name of person who`s going to consume.. says (Hadees in islam)