Saturday, September 19, 2009

Icecream Fried

Fried Icecream
Yes.. its easy , but has to be prepered well in advance..not a quick dessert tough.
The general principal involved in making Deep Fried Ice Cream is to coat a frozen ball of ice cream in an egg batter, then roll it in cornflakes or cookie crumbs, taking care to make sure the ice cream is fully covered so it doesn’t melt when briefly cooked in the hot oil.
Another variation is to tightly form pound cake around the ice cream before frying instead of battering it in the cornflakes or cookie crumbs.
Making Fried Ice Cream is surprisingly easy and doesn’t require exotic or expensive ingredients. However since the ice cream has to be refrozen several times to achieve the best results, Fried Ice Cream is more of a make ahead rather than an instant gratification dessert, so you’ll probably prefer to make it a day or so before you plan to serve it.
Popular toppings for Fried Ice Cream include powdered sugar, whipped cream, drizzled honey, and/or chocolate, caramel, maple, or butterscotch syrup. Fried Ice Cream is also wonderful topped with chopped nuts or fruit.
The dessert is commonly made by taking a scoop of ice cream frozen well below the temperature at which ice cream is generally kept, possibly coating it in raw egg, rolling it in cornflakes or cookie crumbs, and briefly deep frying it. The extremely low temperature of the ice cream prevents it from melting while being fried. It may be sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar and a touch of peppermint, though whipped cream or honey may be used as well.
If fried ice cream is coated in raw egg prior to deep frying, the egg may remain uncooked due to the low temperature of the ice cream. If the egg is not carefully prepared or stored beforehand, the dish may cause salmonella food poisoning.

Tempura batter: A light batter is made of cold water and soft wheat flour. Eggs, baking soda or baking powder, starch, oil, and/or spices may also be added.


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