What I thought, would be an answer, turned into a bewilderment . Yes, the second cooking session with the freshers was very hard to comprehend. Contemplating for more than twelve hours, I ended up without any answer.
Is that the, freshers new environment? the new face? or their first step in foraging? I didn't knew what made them so awkward in the second cooking session. If only ,I had know the real reason, a perfect planning would have been carried out before the second cooking session. But, as I mentioned earlier the First cooking session was overwhelming. Sometimes you won't know the structure and shape of deception.
The second menu was quite simple, with requires a little fundamentals, not necessary to be a catering science student. I see the money spent by students on mobile phone top ups and Frankenstein gadgets,I do not understand the hesitation they show on spending ten rupee for a duster cloth. After all its their utensils which they clean before and after cooking.
I ask for two dusters and what the fresher does is, tear one duster into two, Is he the clever or am I the fool. The attitude of the fellows when they arrive ten minutes late for the cooking session without proper kitchen kit, untrimmed hair, and incomplete recipes in their journals is deplorable.
The menu for the day was Stuffed parathas with curd, Chenna Pulao, Dum Aloo, Mutton fry and Gulab Jamun. Out of twenty students hardly four to five knew what the menu was. I am not complaining or Squabbling here, I talk the basic impression the freshers create " A kind of first impression". they simple forget how significant the impression is.
back to the culinary part, after forty five minutes of silence , bloomed an excuse from the first student, which continued with multiple excuse and a bunch of promises for perfection in the next cooking session. With agony in my heart . Me briefing all the recipes and after twenty minutes ,the cooking session started.
With an array of expectation in my mind, I look forward for the next fist day order, which is when the next cooking session for the freshers will be.I end up now with my post ,wondering how long should I call them FRESHERS.
sir ji dont worry....... dont forget cycle learner always do new new experiments to hv a wonderful ride!!! but wat happns is ,he falls !!! dont worry sir ji give them some time to adjust anyways they r actual learners let them learn.....Happy Class :D
Dats ok sir.dnt wory .we al wer like dat.as they start knwng u and ur aproach to them and the subject.they wil rectify it.and as u said they just startd.it wil take sme time for them to knw wat is wat and hw to do d prctcls.i canot blame them nor any 1.lyf of a student is lyk dat.they get easily carid away by 3W .WHISKEY,WOMEN AND WEALTH.by the time we ,i mean a student realize it wil b very late for a rectifictn and justifctn..nw i regret and repnd for the kind of casual atitude i was having to the prdctn prctcls.i mis al my tutors,colege and frnds.mis u al sir.and as ur blog says u just love wat u do and u ar wat u r.jus rok sir.cheers.....
thats wow. saran after a long time.. Wish you good luck and HAppy life
wats dat wow sir,, thanks for ur wishes and i do mis u alot..hoping to cu son as im coiming there in a week...hulalalaa...llelllol.
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